Photograph of the Maharani of Sikkim from the 'Wheeler Collection: Portraits of Indian Rulers,' was taken possibly by Johnston and Hoffmann c.1900. Stephen Wheeler, the donor of the collection, was presumably related to J. Talboys Wheeler, organiser of the 1877 durbar and author of 'The History of the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi' (London, [1877]). Full-length seated portrait of the Maharani of Sikkim, wife of Maharaja Thotab Namgue and stepmother of Maharaj Kumar Sidkyong Tulku. This photograph was possibly taken by John Claude White, c.1900 and marketed by Johnston & Hoffmann. The Maharaja of Sikkam's family originated from Lhasa in Tibet and settled in Sikkim in the mid 17th century. Puntso Namgye, the head of the family, was sent three Tibetan monks (professors of Myingmapa- the 'red cap' sect) to convert Lepchas of Sikkim to to their sect of Buddhism. The descendants of Puntso Namgye became the Raja's of Sikkim.