an American serviceman, Glenn S. Hensley took these amazing pictures in Kolkata during Second World War (In the Year 1943-44). He donated these photographs numbering almost 600 to University of Chicago. The text with the pictures written by the photographer himself.
Workman washing down his buffalo in Hooghly River a short distance above Howrah Bridge, Calcutta side of the river
Village market not far from Kidderpur, Calcutta metro area
Stevedores handling cargo on sinking gangplank, upstream from Howrah Bridge a short distance
Steam-powered, side-wheel ferry loads on Calcutta side of Hooghly River not far upstream from the Botanical Garden
Scene from bridge in what we knew as Kidderpore enroute from downtown Calcutta to air base at Alipore. (Kidderpore and Canal Road)
Sail and steam-power river boats on Hooghly River downstream from Howrah Bridge
Riverfront activity
River traffic as seen from Howrah Bridge
River activity, Calcutta side of Hooghly, upstream from Botanical Garden
River activity near Botanical Garden
Public water supply, Kidderpore area
Hooghly River