View of the front of a large stone house. A portico covers the entrance and features an awning that partially covers the second story. A woman stands beneath the open portico while two men stand with a horse-drawn carriage on the right, and two more stand with a saddled horse farther down the drive on the left.

View of the rear of a large stone house featuring a second floor veranda with Ionic columns. A railing runs along the veranda between the columns, and slatted shades that have been lowered halfway cover the veranda. Several men and women stand at the railing along the porch and on the ground in front of the house.

View of the front of a large stone house. A portico covers the entrance and features an awning that partially covers the second story. Two men stand with a horse-drawn carriage on the dirt drive on the right, and two more stand with a saddled horse farther down the drive on the left.
Source: http://www.getty.edu