The Architecture of Ancient Delhi, Especially the Buildings around the Kutb Minar, By Henry Hardy Cole, Lieutenant R.E., Late Superintendent of the Archeological Survey of the North Western Provinces, India
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The Qutb Minar is also spelled Qutab or Qutub, is an array of monuments and buildings at Mehrauli in Delhi, India. The construction of Qutb Minar was intended as a Victory Tower, to celebrate the victory of Mohammed Ghori over Rajput king, Prithviraj Chauhan, in 1192 AD, by his then viceroy, Qutb-ud-din Aibak, who later became the first Sultan of Delhi of Mamluk dynasty. After the death of the commissioner, the Minar was added upon by his successor Iltutmish (aka Altamash) and much later by Firoz Shah Tughlaq, a Tughlaq dynasty, Sultan of Delhi in 1368 AD.
The complex was added to by many subsequent rulers, including Firoz Shah Tughlaq and Ala ud din Khilji as well as the British. Some constructions in the complex are the Qutb Minar, the Quwwat ul-Islam Mosque, the Alai Gate, the Alai Minar, the Iron pillar, and the tombs of Iltutmish, Alauddin Khilji and Imam Zamin; surrounded by Jain temple ruins.In all, Islamic fanatic ruler Qutb-ud-din Aibak destroyed 27 Hindu and jain temples and reused the building materials for construction of Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque and the Qutub Minar according to a Persian inscription still on the inner eastern gateway.
Know more about Qutb Minar Complex in Delhi in Wikipdia
Group of Moulders at Work at the Kutb
Ala-Ud-Din's Gateway, Doorway on the Northern Side
Ala-Ud-Din's Gateway, Doorway on the Southern Side
Ala-Ud-Din's Gateway, Exterior of the Gateway from the South
Hindu Sculptures at Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam
Imam Zamin's Tomb, Exterior View - Delhi 1872
Shams-Ud-Din's Gateways and Tomb, Exterior
Shams-Ud-Din's Gateways and Tomb, Interior
Shams-Ud-Din's Gateways and Tomb, North-West Gateway
Shams-Ud-Din's Gateways and Tomb, South-West Gateway
The Kutb Minar
The Kutb Minar, Base of the Minar from the east
The Kutb Minar, View from the West
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam - Pillars in the Centre of the East Colonnade
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam - Pillars in the North-East Corner of the Colonnade
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam - Pillars in the Sanctuary of the Mosque
View of the Iron Pillar from the West
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam - Pillars in the North-East Corner of the Colonnade
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam - Pillars in the North Colonnade
The Masjid-I-Kutb-Ul-Islam, View of the Great Arches
The Kutb Minar - Delhi 1872
The Kutb Minar, Details in the Wall
The Tomb Called Sultan Ghori
Imam Zamin's Tomb, Niche in the Wall towards the West
Tomb of Adam Khan - Delhi 1872
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The Qutb Minar is also spelled Qutab or Qutub, is an array of monuments and buildings at Mehrauli in Delhi, India. The construction of Qutb Minar was intended as a Victory Tower, to celebrate the victory of Mohammed Ghori over Rajput king, Prithviraj Chauhan, in 1192 AD, by his then viceroy, Qutb-ud-din Aibak, who later became the first Sultan of Delhi of Mamluk dynasty. After the death of the commissioner, the Minar was added upon by his successor Iltutmish (aka Altamash) and much later by Firoz Shah Tughlaq, a Tughlaq dynasty, Sultan of Delhi in 1368 AD.
The complex was added to by many subsequent rulers, including Firoz Shah Tughlaq and Ala ud din Khilji as well as the British. Some constructions in the complex are the Qutb Minar, the Quwwat ul-Islam Mosque, the Alai Gate, the Alai Minar, the Iron pillar, and the tombs of Iltutmish, Alauddin Khilji and Imam Zamin; surrounded by Jain temple ruins.In all, Islamic fanatic ruler Qutb-ud-din Aibak destroyed 27 Hindu and jain temples and reused the building materials for construction of Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque and the Qutub Minar according to a Persian inscription still on the inner eastern gateway.
Know more about Qutb Minar Complex in Delhi in Wikipdia