Nalini Jaywant (18 February 1926 - 24 December 2010) was a popular Hindi movie actress of 1950's era. She made successful performances in Rahi (1952), Shikast (1953), Railway Platform (1955), and Awaaz (1956).
Here are some amazing phtographs of Nalini in swimsuit and Sari in a sea beach by famous photographer James Burke from Life Archive hosted by Google. The Life Archive wrongly cataloged these images from 1941 but these images probably taken in November 1951 as per 8ate blog
Know more about this famous actress in Wikipedia.
Here are some amazing phtographs of Nalini in swimsuit and Sari in a sea beach by famous photographer James Burke from Life Archive hosted by Google. The Life Archive wrongly cataloged these images from 1941 but these images probably taken in November 1951 as per 8ate blog
Know more about this famous actress in Wikipedia.