Location & Time Information
Date/Time (UT): 1966-09-14 T 07:37
Distance/Range (km): 817
Central Latitude/Longitude (deg): 12., 78.
Orbit(s): 26
Camera: Hasselblad 70-mm
Gemini 11 (officially Gemini XI) was the ninth manned spaceflight mission of NASA's Project Gemini, which flew from September 12 to 15, 1966. It was the 17th manned American flight and the 25th spaceflight to that time (includes X-15 flights over 100 kilometres (62 mi)). Astronauts Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr. and Richard F. Gordon, Jr. performed the first-ever direct-ascent (first orbit) rendezvous with an Agena Target Vehicle, used the Agena rocket engine to achieve a world record high-apogee earth orbit, and created a small amount of artificial gravity by spinning the two spacecraft connected by a tether, like a pair of bolas. Gordon also performed two Extra-vehicular activities for a total of 2 hours and 41 minutes. (Wikipedia)