Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
The Calcutta counterpart of the American railroad magazine stand. Available are canes, suitcases, soda water, shopping bags, cigarettes and a hundred other items peculiar to the Indian taste.
An Indian family sweat out a train. Cooking vessels, clothes and bedding are surrounded by this group which is distinguished by the presence of one of India's wandering holy men, (at right with painted brow).
Indians seem to be great travelers. Wartime transportation priorities have forced many wary travelers to remain in stations waiting for long periods. Because of no other means, many must set up house- keeping during the long vigil, cooking their food on the spot and sleeping on the bare floor.
Sacred cattle and coolies push and pull great carts to the loading platform of the Howrah railroad

GI dock workers of the Port companies created order out of chaos at Calcutta's great docks and thousands of tons of vital war supplies flowed through to china, Burma and India. The MP is on hand to see that the coolies do not pilfer from the rations they are carrying.

station in background, on of the city's two stations. Howrah is on the west bank of the river, and Sealdah,the other station, is in another section of Calcutta on the east side.

GI dock workers of the Port companies created order out of chaos at Calcutta's great docks and thousands of tons of vital war supplies flowed through to china, Burma and India. The MP is on hand to see that the coolies do not pilfer from the rations they are carrying.