The people of India : A series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan, originally prepared under the authority of the government of India, and reproduced. by J. Forbes Watson and John William Kaye between 1868 - 1875.
Tibetan Buddhist, Tibet
Munipooree female, Himalayan origin, Munipoor
Meech, (Trans-Himalayan origin), Darjeeling
Lepcha, aboriginal, Sikhim. [male]
Lepcha, aboriginal, Sikhim. [female]
Lepcha water carriers, aboriginal, Sikhim
Lepcha peasants, aboriginal, Sikhim
Lepcha female, aboriginal, Sikhim
Lama (Buddhist priest), Tibetan, Pemianchi
Kookie, robber tribes, Cachar
Interpreter at Darjeeling, Tibetan, Bhotan
Group of Nagas, marauding tribe, Cachar
Group of Bhotanese, chiefly of Tibetan origin
Cheboo Lama, Minister of Sikhim, Tibetan, Sikhi
Bhotia, trans-Himalayan, Sikhim
Bhotia, Buddhist, Tibet
Bhotia female, trans-Himalayan, Sikhim
Bhotia female, Buddhist, near Lhassa, Tibet
Bhotanese, chiefly of Tibetan origin, Bhotan